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Solution to incorrect indication of pressure transmitter


1. If the power supply of the transmitter is less than 12VDC, check if there is a large load in the circuit. The input impedance of the transmitter load should comply with RL ≤ (transmitter supply voltage -12V)/(0.02A) Ω

2. Is the reference pressure value necessarily correct? If the accuracy of the reference pressure gauge is low, it is necessary to replace it with a higher accuracy pressure gauge.

3. Is the range of the pressure indicating instrument consistent with the range of the pressure transmitter

4. Is the input and corresponding wiring of the pressure indicator instrument correct? If the input of the pressure indicator instrument is 4-20mA, the output signal of the transmitter can be directly connected; If the input of the pressure gauge is 1-5V, a resistor with an accuracy of one thousandth or more and a resistance of 250 Ω must be connected to the input of the pressure gauge, and then connected to the input of the transmitter.变频供水

5. The input impedance of the transmitter load should comply with RL ≤ (transmitter supply voltage -12V)/(0.02A) Ω. If it does not comply, corresponding measures can be taken according to its different characteristics, such as increasing the supply voltage (but must be lower than 36VDC), reducing the load, etc

6. Is the input terminal open when the multi-point paper recorder is not recording; If there is an open circuit: 1) No other loads can be carried; 2) Switch to another recorder with an input impedance of ≤ 250 Ω when there is no record.

7. Is the corresponding equipment casing grounded? The equipment casing is grounded

8. Is it wired separately from AC power and other power sources

9. Is the pressure sensor damaged? Severe overload can sometimes damage the isolation diaphragm. It needs to be sent back to the manufacturer for repair.

10. Is there sand, impurities, or other blockages in the pipeline? Impurities can affect measurement accuracy; Impurities need to be cleaned and a filter screen should be added in front of the pressure interface.

11. Is the temperature of the pipeline too high? The operating temperature of the pressure sensor is -25~85 ℃, but in actual use, it is best to use it within -20~70 ℃. Add a buffer tube for heat dissipation, and it is best to add some cold water inside the buffer tube before use to prevent overheated steam from directly impacting the sensor, thereby damaging the sensor or reducing its service life.

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